3 Common Home Smells and How to Clean Them

3 Common Home Smells and How to Clean Them

The smell of your home is the first thing guests notice. While we may go nose blind to the general smell of our homes, some smells can't be ignored. If you find yourself sniffing out an offending odor, chances are it is one of these common home smells. It's time to say goodbye to gross smells with these simple cleaning tips from the professional cleaners at MaiPro.

1. Kitchen Garbage Can

You empty your kitchen trash can regularly, but the smell still lingers. The problem isn't the trash but the can itself. As you throw away trash and food, the bag could leak. If food residues leak into the can, they begin to rot. This rotting food generates unpleasant smells. To fix this, wash your trash can once a week. Use soap and water to scrub and rinse the outside and inside of your trash can. Dry it well so moisture doesn't get trapped when replacing the bag.

2. Garbage Disposal

Having a garbage disposal is a convenient appliance to have in your kitchen. However, they have several nooks and crevices where moisture gets trapped. When this happens, mold and mildew grow, which generates unpleasant smells. In addition, stuck food particles will begin to decompose in your sink drain. This also creates rotting smells. Use an all-purpose cleaner to wipe down the top and underside of the rubber seal located in the button of your sink. Then you can tackle the garbage disposal itself.

To clean the garbage disposal, use baking soda and white vinegar. Pour ¼ cup of baking soda down the sink drain. Then slowly pour white vinegar down the drain. The mixture will begin to bubble, which will clean.

3. Carpeting

If you have carpeting in your home, it could be the source of your bad smell problems. Fabric fibers are notorious for absorbing and holding smells. Carpet is just millions of fibers, making them excellent places for smells to fester. We live on our carpets, so the smells could be everything from pet odors to sweat or just excess moisture.

Vacuuming your carpets is not enough to deodorize. However, it is a good place to start. Then use a spray bottle to mist your carpet with a vinegar and water mixture. You can also sprinkle baking soda over the carpet and let the natural deodorizing qualities take care of the problem. The longer they sit, the more effective they are. When you are ready to clean them up, simply vacuum the carpet again. If this doesn't take care of the problem, you may need to do a deep carpet cleaning with shampoo.

Prevent Smells Before They Happen

A cleaning routine will help you prevent unpleasant smells by tackling the culprits before they have a chance to offend. The professionals at MaidPro can work with you to create a cleaning routine that fits your lifestyle and budget. Perhaps you live alone and only need occasional cleaning. In contrast, you have a large family and pets, so cleaning more often is a must to prevent smells.

Request an estimate today and let MaidPro get your home smelling great.

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