5 Home Habits to Do Between Cleaner Visits

5 Home Habits to Do Between Cleaner Visits

Having a professional cleaner from MaidPro come to your home on a routine schedule is a smart way to ensure your home stays clean. However, life is messy, and your home may need a little help between cleaning visits. Minor changes to your daily habits can make a big difference in keeping your home clean until your next MaidPro cleaner visit.

1. Weekly Fridge Wipe

Instead of doing a complete fridge purge, tackle one shelf a week. Before you do your weekly grocery shopping, clear everything off the top shelf and wipe it down. Then the next week, clear off the second shelf and wipe it down. Each following week, move your way down the shelves and drawers. This will keep your fridge looking clean and sparkling without requiring you to empty the entire fridge at once. Doing this also allows you to move older food items to the front so you can use them before they spoil.

2. Organize Paper

Loose papers create more visual mess and clutter than anything else. Create an organizational system for your papers, and it will have a significant impact. You won't have stray papers in a pile on the kitchen counter or mail stacked on a table by the front door. Removing the visual clutter gives a sense of a cleaner and more organized home. This could be stacked trays, file cabinets, or even bins. Once a week, you can sit down and decide what needs to be done with the papers. Perhaps some can be thrown away, others need permanent filing, and others need mailing.

3. Straighten Up Before Bed

It can be tough to stop and tidy up while you are on the move during the day. Instead, set aside 5- 10 minutes each night. Walk through your home and pick up stray items as you make your way to your bedroom. This lets you put away clutter and organize quickly and efficiently without having to break stride during the day's activities.

4. Have a Donation Box

Stuff has a way of collecting and accumulating without us even realizing it. A dedicated donation box will encourage you to filter and get rid of items that you do not regularly use. When the box gets full, take it to your chosen organization for donation.

5. Remove Your Shoes

Start taking your shoes off when you walk in the front door. Your shoes pick up dirt, dust, leaves, pollen, and anything else on the ground outside. As you walk around your clean home, everything on your shoes gets deposited on your floors. Taking your shoes off can help you keep your floors cleaner. You could carry your shoes to the bedroom or set up a shoe station with a basket or shoe rack by the front door.

Little Home Habits Keep Your Home Clean

Making small changes to your habits can significantly impact how clean your home stays between your MaidPro cleaner's visits. Taking off your shoes and wiping down the fridge tackles some of the dirtiest culprits. While organizing paper and doing a nightly sweep will keep your home clutter-free. When your professional cleaner arrives, they can start cleaning immediately because your home is ready for them.

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