4 Areas of Your Home That Could Possibly Use Some Fall Cleaning

4 Areas of Your Home That Could Possibly Use Some Fall Cleaning

The spring season gets all of the attention when it comes to cleaning our homes. However, you should be cleaning more than once a year. Fall is a perfect time to do some home cleaning and maintenance tasks. The temperatures are starting to cool off, making it the perfect time to do home projects. Make sure these five home areas are on your fall cleaning checklist.

1. Clean the Inside of Your Oven

You should clean your oven at least every three months. However, most people need to do it more often than this. If you see food spills or smell burning while cooking, you should clean it. The majority of modern ovens are self-cleaning, so this task should be as simple as a few pushes of the buttons. You can use chemical sprays if your oven doesn't have this feature. However, they can create unpleasant fumes. Instead, make your own mixture of baking soda and water. It is effective and doesn't have harmful chemicals. Spread the paste over the gunk on the inside of your oven. Let it sit overnight, and wipe it off the following day. Then use white vinegar to wipe down the inside of your oven.

2. Replace Air Conditioning Filters

HVAC filters should get replaced every three months. Throughout the spring and summer, your filters work hard to trap dust and pollen. While changing the filters, grab your vacuum and clean the built-up dust and lint that gets caught in your vents and ducts. This improves the air quality of your home during the winter months when it is too cold to open the windows and air out your home.

3. Deep Clean Your Carpets and Upholstery

The cooler fall temperatures and lower humidity make this the perfect time for deep cleaning your carpets. Open the windows to air out the house and help the carpets dry. If you don't need heavy cleaning, spread baking soda to absorb funky odors and then vacuum it up. You need a carpet cleaner to wash the carpets if you have stains. Allow the carpets to dry well to ensure they don't get musty or harbor mildew.

4. Wash and Store Summer Bedding

If you own summer and winter bedding, fall is the time to switch them out. Launder your summer bedding, so it is clean and ready for winter storage. Bring out your winter bedding and get it ready for use. Before you dress the bed, you should clean your mattress. You should clean your mattress every six months. Sprinkle baking soda and let it sit for at least eight hours. After this, you can vacuum it, and your bed is ready for winter.

Work Through Your Fall Cleaning Checklist

Get your home winter ready with a fall cleaning checklist. We use a 49-point checklist to ensure your home is cleaned from floor to ceiling. If you need a little help with your fall cleaning, hire the experts to come in and do the work for you. MaidPro covers your interior home cleaning needs so you can tackle these other seasonal cleaning needs.

Request a free estimate today and have a cleaner home with the MaidPro professionals.

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