Mattresses and large kitchen appliances get all of the attention when discussing useful lifespans and home item replacement. However, these are not the only things in your home that require replacement. Throughout your home, there are items that get used daily, requiring routine cleaning and eventual replacement. When was the last time you replaced these everyday home items?
1. Shower Liner
If your shower has a curtain and liner, you should clean the liner at least every three months. If you do this, it should last six months to a year. It's time to replace the liner when you see a build-up of mold or mildew that doesn't seem to go away with cleaning.
2. Linens
The linens and textiles in your home should be replaced about every two years. This includes the sheets, towels, pillows, hand towels, and bath mats. The fibers of these fabrics begin to show wear and tear over time, developing holes and fraying. They also become harder to clean, making them less clean.
3. Cooking Pots and Pans
Nonstick cookware is a popular choice for home chefs these days. However, that coating on your pots and pans only lasts for so long. The coating will age, get scratched, and peel as you cook. When this happens, you are exposing your family to PFAS chemicals, which are harmful. Most nonstick cookware requires replacement every five years. If it's time to replace your cookware, consider investing in cast-iron, steel, or ceramic pots and pans, as these will last significantly longer with proper care.
4. Throw Pillows
Typically, the beautiful pillows on your sofa and bed will last about 5-10 years. Regular cleaning can help them last longer. The pillows on your bed will generally last longer than the ones on your sofa. There are two reasons to replace your throw pillows. The first is the breakdown of the stuffing inside. Flat and lifeless pillows are not comfortable and do not look nice. The second is the material being stained or threadbare. Using pillow covers can extend the life of your throw pillows if this is an issue.
5. Food Storage Containers
Plastic food storage containers should be replaced when you see them scratched, cloudy, stained, or warped. When these things happen, it becomes significantly hard to properly clean and sanitize the containers, making them a potential food safety risk. When replacing them, consider glass containers. These are more durable and last longer. Just be aware of the silicone or rubber seal.
6. Cutting Boards
You pull out a cutting board whenever you need to use a knife while cooking. Depending on your cutting board's material, a replacement could be long overdue. Wooden cutting boards last 5-7 years before you should replace or refinish them. Plastic cutting boards should be replaced about every two years. How long your cutting board will last will depend on your level of use, knife habits, and care. Replace your cutting board when you see deep knife cuts, or it has a musty, mildew, or "off" smell after cleaning.
Should You Clean or Replace it?
Routine cleaning can ensure your home's items last as long as possible. While you may have time to clean these small items, a professional cleaning service can help you with the bigger cleaning tasks. The professional cleaners from MaidPro have the experience and knowledge to ensure your home looks, feels, and smells clean.
Request an estimate for home cleaning today.