a living room with a white couch and a mirror

MaidPro Denver, CO Reviews

What People Are Saying

People love us. But don't take our word for it, read what our house-cleaning customers have to say.

April was thorough and did an outstanding job! She is to be complimented!

C.L. | Denver, CO

Great job! With my daughter in the hospital is was so nice to come home to a clean home!

R.W. | Denver, CO

Avalene always does a complete job cleaning our house! My wife and I are very happy with her. She always does very detailed work, especially in our kitchen and bathroom!

D.H. | Denver, CO

My home is very clean! She did a fantastic job. I was very impressed!

D.M. | Denver, CO

It’s always great when MaidPro cleans my home. The floors are the main thing for me (since I hate to do them myself) and they are always wonderful!

D.C. | Denver, CO

All the rooms are clean at the same time! Loved the careful attention to detail and the friendly attitude. Changing out of street shoes really impressed me!

D.R. | Denver, CO

Great thorough cleaning. I like that the coffee table was moved for cleaning and moved back. The glass shower doors look great

J.H. | Denver, CO

Really loved having the 49 Point Checklist as a way of seeing what they do. I loved how the house smelled clean, not like cleaning supplies when we walked in!

L.P. | Denver, CO

Maria was amazing! She did a wonderful job of getting my house clean. My husband even remarked how well she did and he never notices anything. Thank you!!

K.S. | Denver, CO

Super clean place. Still so blown away at how clean the place gets!

J.E. | Denver, CO

Everything was spotless. The house has never been so clean!

N.S. | Denver, CO

As usual, Gloria gest every nook and cranny! She even took my recycling out!

K.L. | Denver, CO

After 4 weeks, our house was badly in need of a clean. When I returned home, I was again completely impressed with Maria’s work, especially the floors which positively gleam. Thank you!

B.R. | Denver, CO

We love Lupita and think she does a wonderful job!

B.M. | Littleton, CO

GREAT JOB ONCE AGAIN! We really value this service and thank you for the hard work!

J.A. | Lakewood, CO

Gloria is amazing, thorough and fast!

K.L. | Denver, CO

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